Multi-Label Concept - Premium Bodywear AG
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Success on a broad basis

For years, Premium Bodywear AG has been successfully employing a multi-label strategy. The principle is clear: the more specific a collection is tailored to a target group, the more other market segments are excluded. However, they open up with contrasting brand concepts and products that focus on other consumer groups.

With this strategy, Premium Bodywear AG can successfully serve multiple areas while simultaneously sharpening the profile of all brands.

All labels of the corporation share one commonality: they are premium products with high brand and comfort demands.

Premium Bodywear AG has long-term licenses and contracts for the production and distribution of the Olaf Benz and Manstore labels. These rights apply worldwide and without any restrictions.

Furthermore, the company has been the general importer of the US lingerie brand Dreamgirl for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland since 2004. An expansion of the distribution area is in preparation.

Customers experience brand worlds

The consumer sees each of the premium brands as completely independent. They do not recognize any connection between the collections, neither in styling nor in marketing strategy. This gives Premium Bodywear AG a good starting position because consumers from almost all target groups of the overall market can at least identify with one brand of the company.